Hocking Hills Special Events - Winter Hike

57th Annual Winter Hike: January 20, 2024. Continuous starts from 9:00 – 11:00AM - Psst! Why 57? Although the hike started in 1965, two hikes were cancelled: one for covid and the second for the 1978 blizzard.

Check out this site for a video of the Hocking Hills Winter Hike Trail!

Starting Point: Visitor Center Parking Lot at Old Man's Cave on State Route 664. Assembled hikers will depart continuously between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Park officials will provide return transportation by bus from Ash Cave to Old Man's Cave following the event. The trail leads from Old Man's Cave about three miles to Cedar Falls. There, bean soup, cornbread and hot chocolate are provided to hikers. The trail then leads another 2 1/2 miles to Ash Cave where a bus will bring hikers back to the Old Man's Cave parking lot. It takes between 3-4 hours to hike the trail. Along the trail, park officers and volunteers will help guide hikers in the right direction.

Cost: The Event is FREE! Donations are encouraged for refreshments.

What to Wear: Bundle up. Stay Warm. Wear a hat, coat, gloves, long underwear and good hiking boots if it is cool. Invest in a pair of ice cleats. (And don't buy a pair of boots the day before the hike. Wear them in a while or you'll have more blisters than you can count!) The weather can't be planned but hikers can get a good idea what to bring by watching the weather closely the day before the hike. Take an extra pair of socks and gloves. The trail can be muddy and wet.

This hike is long and rugged. It is not recommended for pets, young children, those with medical limitations, or not in shape. In other words, if you just had your knee surgery in the past couple years, this isn't the hike for you.

That said . . .

It is Kid Friendly: This is a five-six mile hike, up and down hills with plenty of roots, rocks and bitter cold. It is breathtaking, relaxing, fun and nonstop. However, if your kids are the kind you have to lug around in a shopping cart when you are only five minutes into shopping at the nearest grocery store, this might not be the hike for them. Besides, many cell phones don't work at the bottom of Old Man's Cave and it would be tough to call someone to pick them up. This is also not for those who have had knee surgery or any kind of medical condition. Although the hike is not monitored, you must clear the six miles before the buses leave.If you are in poor health or do not exercise strenuously a few times a week, this hike is not for you!

Pet Friendly - There are more than a few people who bring their dogs with them on this hike. Plenty of warning though, there are lots of people walking in a long line, cliff edges pets can fall over, stone steps they must traverse, and dark tunnels. If your dog doesn't like people, other dogs, and is not used to the cold, keep them home. For those who have difficulty walking - Not recommended. Although the staff at the park clear the trails to their best ability, there are still logs to climb over and plenty of rocks, roots and hills that seem a mile high. This is certainly NOT recommended for dogs. Pets must be on a 6 foot leash at all times.

Old Man's Cave parking lot: 20490-20488 OH-374 Logan, OH 43138 39.437798, -82.539391